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Muuranker are commonly known as “iron scissors”, a classic structural component of 17th century Dutch architecture. A muuranker joins the stone wall with the interior wooden frame of the building, and was used in much European architecture of the day. It looks like a long nail penetrating the floorslab or the crossbeam of the roof from the outer wall. The oog is exposed outside the wall, and the schieter is inserted through the center to clamp the walls tight. In order to increase wall clamping power, the schieter is carved with a wide variety of patterns. After the 18th century, European architecture no longer used muuranker to decorate the walls, and instead a blindanker was utilized to connect the walls with the crossbeam structure, thus making it characteristic of pre-17th century European architecture. According to the Notes on the Red Ridge “Residents in the city use iron to bind together the walls, it seems to have originated from the Dutch system.”
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